Stock Info

Pearl Abyss263750

Current Price (Unit: KRW, Stocks)


Compared to Previous Day 250

Fluctuation 0.57%

Jul 26, 2024, 19:59 UTC+9 Standard

Market Price High Low Trading Volume Market Capitalization (Trillion)
44,350 45,400 44,350 131,603 2.87
Stock Closing Price
Stock Closing Price by Date Stock Closing Price Compared to Previous Day Market Price High Low Trading Volume
Jul 25, 2024 44,400 400 44,000 45,050 43,800 205,444
Jul 24, 2024 44,800 950 45,200 45,750 43,850 202,415
Jul 23, 2024 45,750 400 46,750 46,800 45,450 122,992
Jul 22, 2024 46,150 100 46,050 46,950 45,700 135,072
Jul 19, 2024 46,050 850 45,000 46,150 45,000 135,285
Jul 18, 2024 45,200 900 46,300 46,650 44,950 196,577
Jul 17, 2024 46,100 300 46,750 47,150 45,900 120,419
Jul 16, 2024 46,400 750 47,150 47,500 45,950 150,133
Jul 15, 2024 47,150 0 47,050 47,550 46,650 148,139