Pearl Abyss News

Pearl Abyss Inspires Social Responsibility

Throughout the year, Pearl Abyss has dedicated itself to being more socially responsible, especially in its efforts to spread a culture of giving through user-participated charity events. 

Last December, the Black Desert team hosted a large charity event that was open to all Black Desert users across the globe. The charity event titled the ‘Adventurer’s Act of Kindness’ gave users the opportunity to purchase Tokens of Kindness with in-game currency, the sum of which was then matched in real currency by Pearl Abyss and donated to a charitable foundation.  Thanks to the high level of interest surrounding the event, Pearl Abyss was able to donate 100 million won to Medicins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders).

Early this year, Pearl Abyss also made a separate charitable donation of 100 million won to help those in Australia affected by the worst forest fire in history, and those in Turkey affected by a devastating earthquake. The scale of these charitable events was magnified not only by the participation of our Black Desert Online users, but also the users of Black Desert Mobile. Charitable foundations in Australia and Turkey were each sent 50 million won which was used to support the recovery of the hardest hit regions and the many displaced families.

Pearl Abyss is very aware of the many hardships that have come as a result of Covid-19 so has donated a further 500 million won to help those in need. 300 million won was donated to the Korea Disaster Relief Association and 200 million won was donated to ChildFund Korea. The team at Pearl Abyss wishes a swift recovery to everyone affected by the many hardships facing us today. 

Quite recently, staff at Pearl Abyss visited an orphanage kept in lockdown due to Covid-19. The team were keen to put a smile back on the faces of the children so decided to create a unique water park in the front yard of the orphanage. And thus, the orphanage’s own Terrmian Water Festival was born! Terrmian is the name of an in-game beach that exists in both Black Desert Online and Black Desert Mobile. Although the event lasted for only a day, the team was delighted to know that the children had plenty of fun. The festival was attended by children of all ages, from toddler to teenager, and  a number of donations from both Black Desert Online and Black Desert Mobile users were also made to the orphanage.  

[ Thank you letters sent from the children ] 

Pearl Abyss aims to continue its commitment to community outreach initiatives such as these, and endeavors to become the spark of change that inspires others to participate in such efforts.